Grub Control & Prevention

from $119.00

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Grubs are “silent killers”—since they feed on the roots of your lawn and plants, it’s not always easy to spot them before they’ve destroyed your yard. And, if you have grubs, you may encounter the animals that eat grubs, which will dig through your lawn to find grubs, and bring ticks into your yard, too. We know that you want your yard to be healthy and beautiful, and safe for your family to be in. So, that’s where we come in.


To combat grubs, U.S. Bug Squad uses only the best treatment to get rid of grubs and keep them away. We apply our Grub Control & Prevention treatment to your whole lawn, shrub beds, and property perimeters—any place that grubs could attack. This treatment controls white grubs (including larvae of Asiatic Garden Beetles, Black Turfgrass Ataenius, Chafers, Japanese Beetles, May or June Beetles, and Oriental Beetles), mole crickets, European Crane Fly larvae, adelgids, annual bluegrass weevil, aphids, billbugs, bluegrass weevils, Elm Leaf Beetle, lace bugs, leafhoppers, leafminers, mealy bugs, sawfly larvae, thrips, white flies. and many more common insects.


For our grub prevention and grub control treatments, we charge $119 per 1/4 acre of treatment. For properties over 2 acres, complete Request A Quote Form or call us at (863) 853-5000 for a custom quote.

You may also add on 1 treatment of Home Invader Application for a flat fee of $40 to your order. Our Home Invader Application “pest proofs” your home from insects such as wasps, bees, mud dobbers and spider webs. Please complete Request A Quote Form or call us at (863) 853-5000 to add our Home Invader Application at a discounted price to your order.


We offer a wide range of pest control treatments for home invaders, landscape pests and biting and stinging insects.

Type in the name of the pest in the search bar to find out which U.S. Bug Squad treatment would work best for your particular pest control problem.